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用于 Google Tag Manager 的 Nuxt 模块

Nuxt GTM

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Nuxt Google Tag Manager 模块,与 Nuxt Devtools 集成,用于 Nuxt 3。

此库是 @gtm-support/vue-gtm 插件的 Nuxt 3 模块封装器


  1. 添加 @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtm 依赖到你的项目
# Using pnpm
pnpm add -D @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtm

# Using yarn
yarn add --dev @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtm

# Using npm
npm install --save-dev @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtm
  1. 添加 @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtmnuxt.config.tsmodules 部分
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [
  1. nuxtConfig.gtmnuxtConfig.runtimeConfig.public.gtm 中添加配置

此模块支持 2 种配置方式

  • 直接在 Nuxt 配置的 gtm 键中
  • 在公共 runtimeConfig 中:用于使用环境变量覆盖配置并处理多个环境
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  gtm: {
    id: 'GTM-xxxxxx', // Your GTM single container ID, array of container ids ['GTM-xxxxxx', 'GTM-yyyyyy'] or array of objects [{id: 'GTM-xxxxxx', queryParams: { gtm_auth: 'abc123', gtm_preview: 'env-4', gtm_cookies_win: 'x'}}, {id: 'GTM-yyyyyy', queryParams: {gtm_auth: 'abc234', gtm_preview: 'env-5', gtm_cookies_win: 'x'}}], // Your GTM single container ID or array of container ids ['GTM-xxxxxx', 'GTM-yyyyyy']
    queryParams: {
      // Add URL query string when loading gtm.js with GTM ID (required when using custom environments)
      gtm_auth: 'AB7cDEf3GHIjkl-MnOP8qr',
      gtm_preview: 'env-4',
      gtm_cookies_win: 'x',
    defer: false, // Script can be set to `defer` to speed up page load at the cost of less accurate results (in case visitor leaves before script is loaded, which is unlikely but possible). Defaults to false, so the script is loaded `async` by default
    compatibility: false, // Will add `async` and `defer` to the script tag to not block requests for old browsers that do not support `async`
    nonce: '2726c7f26c', // Will add `nonce` to the script tag
    enabled: true, // defaults to true. Plugin can be disabled by setting this to false for Ex: enabled: !!GDPR_Cookie (optional)
    debug: true, // Whether or not display console logs debugs (optional)
    loadScript: true, // Whether or not to load the GTM Script (Helpful if you are including GTM manually, but need the dataLayer functionality in your components) (optional)
    enableRouterSync: true, // Pass the router instance of your app to automatically sync with router (optional)
    ignoredViews: ['homepage'], // Don't trigger events for specified router names (optional)
    trackOnNextTick: false, // Whether or not call trackView in Vue.nextTick
    devtools: true, // (optional)
  runtimeConfig: {
    public: {
      gtm: {
        id: 'GTM-xxxxxx',
        queryParams: {
          gtm_auth: 'AB7cDEf3GHIjkl-MnOP8qr',
          gtm_preview: 'env-4',
          gtm_cookies_win: 'x',
        defer: false,
        compatibility: false,
        nonce: '2726c7f26c',
        enabled: true,
        debug: true,
        loadScript: true,
        enableRouterSync: true,
        ignoredViews: ['homepage'],
        trackOnNextTick: false,
        devtools: true,


请参考 @gtm-support/vue-gtm 文档

Composition API - useGtm composable


  <button @click="triggerEvent">
    Trigger event!
  <button @click="triggerView">
    Trigger event!

<script lang="ts" setup>
  const gtm = useGtm() // auto-imported by the module

  function triggerEvent() {
      event: 'event name',
      category: 'category',
      action: 'click',
      label: 'My custom component trigger',
      value: 5000,
      noninteraction: false,

  function triggerView() {
    gtm.trackView('Home', '/')

Options API

export default {
  methods: {
    triggerEvent() {
        event: 'event name',
        category: 'category',
        action: 'click',
        label: 'My custom component trigger',
        value: 5000,
        noninteraction: false,


该模块继承了插件 @gtm-support/vue-gtm 的选项,除了 vueRouter 条目被 enableRouterSync 替换。

type ModuleOptions = {
   * Enable Nuxt Devtools integration
   * @default true
  devtools?: boolean
   * Synchronise GTM with NuxtRouter
  enableRouterSync?: boolean


   * Derive additional event data after navigation.
  vueRouterAdditionalEventData?: (to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized) => Record<string, any> | Promise<Record<string, any>>;
   * Don't trigger events for specified router names.
  ignoredViews?: string[] | ((to: RouteLocationNormalized, from: RouteLocationNormalized) => boolean);
   * Whether or not call `trackView` in `Vue.nextTick`.
  trackOnNextTick?: boolean;
   * Your GTM single container ID, array of container ids or array of objects.
   * @example
   *     'GTM-xxxxxx'
   *     // or
   *     ['GTM-xxxxxx', 'GTM-yyyyyy']
   *     // or
   *     [{
   *       id: 'GTM-xxxxxx',
   *       queryParams: {
   *         gtm_auth: 'abc123',
   *         gtm_preview: 'env-4',
   *         gtm_cookies_win: 'x'
   *       }
   *     }, {
   *       id: 'GTM-yyyyyy',
   *       queryParams: {
   *         gtm_auth: 'abc234',
   *         gtm_preview: 'env-5',
   *         gtm_cookies_win: 'x'
   *       }
   *     }]
  id: string | string[] | GtmIdContainer[];
   * Add url query string when load gtm.js with GTM ID.
  queryParams?: GtmQueryParams;
   * Script can be set to `defer` to speed up page load at the cost of less accurate results (in case visitor leaves before script is loaded, which is unlikely but possible).
   * Defaults to false, so the script is loaded `async` by default.
   * @default false
  defer?: boolean;
   * Will add `async` and `defer` to the script tag to not block requests for old browsers that do not support `async`.
   * @default false
  compatibility?: boolean;
   * Will add `nonce` to the script tag.
   * @see [Using Google Tag Manager with a Content Security Policy](https://developers.google.com/tag-manager/web/csp)
  nonce?: string;
   * The URL of the script; useful for server-side GTM.
   * @default
  source?: string;
   * Plugin can be disabled by setting this to `false`.
   * @example enabled: !!GDPR_Cookie
   * @default true
  enabled?: boolean;
   * Whether or not to display console logs debugs.
  debug?: boolean;
   * Whether or not to load the GTM Script.
   * Helpful if you are including GTM manually, but need the dataLayer functionality in your components.
  loadScript?: boolean;
   * The property of Track view event.
   * @example trackViewEventProperty: 'track-view-event-demo'
   * @default content-view
  trackViewEventProperty?: string;

就是这样! 你现在可以在你的 Nuxt 应用中使用 Nuxt GTM 了 ✨


# Install dependencies, prepare apps & run dev server
make start

# Run dev server
pnpm dev

# Develop with playground, with bundled client ui
pnpm play:prod

# Run ESLint
pnpm lint

# Run Vitest
pnpm test
pnpm test:watch


  1. 执行发布命令

⚠ 此命令应仅在主分支上执行


  • 生成 CHANGELOG.md 并使用发布提交推送它
  • 提升包版本
  • 创建并推送新标签
  • 创建一个 github release 以触发库发布管道
pnpm release

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