通过 100 多个技巧学习 Nuxt!


用于 Arco Design Vue 的 Nuxt 模块。自动导入组件、图标等。

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用于 Arco Design Vue 的 Nuxt 模块。自动导入组件、图标等。


  • ✨ 自动导入组件
  • ✨ 自动导入图标
  • ✨ 自动导入 Message、Notification
  • ✨ 自动导入 hooks
  • ✨ 自动导入本地化 hooks
  • 🔹 支持自定义前缀


  1. arco-design-nuxt-module 依赖添加到您的项目
npx nuxi@latest module add arco-design-nuxt-module

!注意 如果您没有安装 @arco-design/web-vue,请先安装它

pnpm install @arco-design/web-vue

  1. arco-design-nuxt-module 添加到 nuxt.config.tsmodules 部分
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [


如果您需要自定义模块,可以在 nuxt.config.ts 中设置 arco


export default defineNuxtConfig({
  arco: {
    importPrefix: 'A',
    hookPrefix: 'Arco',
    locales: ['getLocale'],
    localePrefix: 'Arco',


interface Options {
   * A list of components that need to be automatically imported.
   * @default * all component from '@arco-design/web-vue/'
   * @example
   * ```ts
   *  ['Button']
   * ```
  components: false | string[]

   * Prefix of the component name.
   * @default 'A'
  componentPrefix: string

   * A list of icons component that need to be automatically imported.
   * @default * all icons from '@arco-design/web-vue/(es|lib)/icon'
   * @example
   * ```ts
   *  ['IconArrowDown']
   * ```
  icons: false | string[]

   * Prefix of the icon component name.
   * @default ''
  iconPrefix: string

   * A map of components that the definition file of subComponent is in its parent component.
   * Normally, you don't need to set it.
  subComponents: Record<string, string[]>

   * A list of imports(with style auto import) that need to be automatically imported.
   * @default
   * ```ts
   *  ['Notification', 'Message']
   * ```
  imports: false | ('Notification' | 'Message')[]

   * Prefix of the import name.
   * @default ''
  importPrefix: string

   * When you need to add automatically import locale function from Arco Design Vue, you can add it here.
   * @default false
   * @example
   * ```ts
   *  ['useLocale', 'getLocale', 'addI18nMessages']
   * ```
  locales: false | ('useLocale' | 'getLocale' | 'addI18nMessages')[]

   * Prefix of the locale name.
   * @default ''
   * @example
   * 'A' -> 'useALocale'
  localePrefix: string

   * When you need to add automatically import hooks from Arco Design Vue, you can add it here.
   * @default
   * ```ts
   * ['useFormItem']
   * ```
  hooks: false | ('useFormItem')[]

   * Prefix of the hook name.
   * @default ''
   * @example 'A' -> 'useAFormItem'
  hookPrefix: string

   * import style css or less with components
   * @default 'css'
   * Disable automatically import styles with `false`
  importStyle: 'css' | 'less' | boolean

   * use arco design theme.
   * @default undefined
   * @example '@arco-themes/vue-digitforce'
   * It will full import the theme style file(theme.less or css/arco.css)
   * for more detail about theme, see https://arco.design/docs/designlab/use-theme-package
  theme: string

   * A list of component names that have no styles, so resolving their styles file should be prevented
   * @default
   * ```ts
   * ['ConfigProvider', 'Icon']
   * ```
  noStylesComponents: string[]

   * import from es or lib
   * @default 'es'
  importFrom: 'es' | 'lib'

就是这样!现在您可以在您的 Nuxt 应用中使用 Arco Design Nuxt 模块了 ✨


